February 20, 2019

KRQE Interview about TEDxABQED

Kindness Club International started getting attention in 2017. Our challenges started going beyond our high school’s walls into the community. Gratitude has a way of doing that. In this interview Rebecca Atkins spoke with myself and my lead student ambassadors, Michelle Soto and Alyssa Martinez just weeks before my TED talk.

Rebecca Atkins interviewing me for KRQE story.

CLICK HERE to watch the interview.

Change isn’t easy and it isn’t always welcomed. Michelle and Alyssa and I worked diligently with other students all year long to make a difference at our high school. As the year progressed, these efforts spilled out into the community. Because we stuck together as a team, supporting one another through the rough patches, the club program grew and grew.

There are always rough patches. That’s just life. It is good for students to learn that, to learn that the will have to overcome obstacles. Alyssa’s comment in the interview that “Positivity will prevail.” is evidence that she learned that lesson and is ready to pass her wisdom on.

This is why Kindness Club is an international organization, building a network of students, teachers, schools, and community members. We are here to support one another, to inspire one another, and to celebrate one another.

Together we can make a BIGGER difference in the world than we could alone, one simple action at a time.